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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11AM  NBC  January 19, 2023 11:00am-11:31am PST

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right now at 11:00, surveying the storm. president biden heads to the bay area to look at the recovery efforts and needs following multiple rounds of storms. we're live with what those impacted by the damage are saying ahead of his visit. good morning and thanks so much for joining us. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. you can watch us on roku, amazon fire, apple tv and yn line. want to begin with the presidential visit. president biden is expected to land in about an hour. following that, he'll be
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visiting some of the most battered communities on the central coast. >> kris sanchez is live in capitola on what the president is expected to see. a lot of damage we've seen. >> reporter: sure. and there have been so many people out and about taking a look for themselves. really just astonished. the wharf locked down. we know he boarded marine one this morning and should be landing within the hour or so. he left joint base andrews early this morning. the governor will join the president and what they will see is heartbreaking for the locals. the pier broken in two and the destruction of the palo alto. >> it's overwhelming. amazing. really horrible for the area. things just totally fell apart. >> this is kind of just such a
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big storm. it's even sadder that you can't even walk out here anymore. >> reporter: early this morning, we saw business owners and contractors repairing what they could. we saw fans and sump pumps near homes as well. the wharf is expected to be out of commission for at least a year and that's just some of the $100 million in damage to infrastructure. that does not include damage to homes and businesses and the revenue the businesses are losing every day they're closed. in monterey county, there's $30 million in storm damage, $40 million in damage to the agricultural industry and that could impact consumer prices for food. and it's left a lot of people out of work. locals can't wait to hear what kind of aid the president can offer up. >> it's nice to see him here supporting the community. you know, there's a lot of the damage, but there's a lot of restaurants opened, too, that need our support. so him showing up and hopefully
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showing support to the locals and getting a little more money in there because everybody needs it now. >> reporter: so the businesses can use your help when it's safe to do so. probably today is not a good day. there is a go fund me for wharf workers who are going to be looking for new jobs and there's a benefit scheduled for february 4th but it won't be enough so a lot of people will be listening to hear what the president and governor have to say after they see this for themselves. nbc bay area news. >> and on such a sunny day compared to what we saw last week. thank you. did you feel it? a 3.5 magnitude earthquake took near san juan batista before 9:30 this morning. our size ma graph was able to pick up the shaking. no word of damage. happening now in the east bay, a different type of storm
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clean up. this one, cleaning up a popular shoreline that has also been impacted by weeks of rain. >> pete joins us live from oakland with how volunteers are now stepping up. pete? >> reporter: yeah, and we are talking about a different type of storm clean up. we're talking about trash and debris along the martin luther king jr. shoreline. a lot of us washed into thi est wary as a result of the storms. they'll be here for the next hour or so. i got a chance to speak to an east bay spoke person who says the heavy rainfall, it was pushing debris and trash down from the watershed and creeks and it's all just settling in here. we're see so much trash here. i talked to some folks who were trying to clean it up this morning. >> i mean, it's great for us to clean up the trash, but ideally
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it wouldn't be there in the first place. so it's good for people to try to produce less trash. there's stuff we can pick up like these big sheets, but there are also these tiny little micro plastics and bits of styrofoam. >> there's always trash and part of it is also i think the city, would be more important to the city to catch what goes into the bay. like drains that are not in place. that they should be. to catch all the debris. >> reporter: so today they've had about 13 volunteers helping with this clean up, but there are more ahead including this saturday and they said more volunteers are needed. we're live here in oakland. nbc bay area news. >> thank you, pete. all of this rain has had a big impact on our drought. our meteorologist joins us now.
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this is really good news. >> yeah, it's been pretty amazing to see this happen over such a short period of time. let's look back two weeks and what the drought monitor looked like and keeping many mind, the red is the worst of the drought. the exceptional drought, and we were seeing it pretty widespread across northern and central california. then last week when the update came out, it removed a lot of that red and improved the drought significantly to now a severe drought. but then as we got this morning's update after all of that rainfall that fell with a lot of spots getting their yearly rainfall over the course of 22 days, we are now seeing still a moderate drought, but this was a significant improvement for the bay area. as we get a closer look once again, we are in a moderate drought now and still the larger reservoirs across northern california have a lot of room in them, but we also need some of that fear of snow melt to help
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fill them up. so as we go into the next few weeks, we are going to have some dry weather and we'll continue to see that draining down to those low lying areas so we'll monitor for that and talk about the cold weather that's settling in. more on that in a few minutes. >> all right. we'll check back with you. thank you. just in, the santa fe district attorney is charging alec baldwin with involuntary manslaughter. the decision comes 15 months after hall la hutchins was killed on the set of the film set, rust. a special prosecutor says the evidence shows quote, a pattern of criminal disregard for safety. the actor has not commented on the announcement. onset armorer also faces similar charges. her attorney says quote, these charges are the result of a very flawed vest investigation. we intend to bring the full
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truth to light and believe she will be exonerated. today's the day the u.s. government says it will have to take extraordinary measures to keep the government afloat. >> it could affect us all. >> we don't know the specifics yet, but it's going to involve moving money around. the same way a family might move money from one account to the next. the one in charge is janet yellen. it was she who warned the u.s. would have to take these measures to avoid crashing into the debt ceiling. a limit on how much money the u.s. can borrow to pay for things it's already decided to spend money on. things like social security and paychecks for the u.s. military. if congress does not raise the debt ceiling, america won't pay its bills and that situation could come as soon as june. we don't know exactly what that
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would look like because it's never happened before. but these bills are things like social security checks. the issue is so important, presidents from both parties have asked congress please don't use the debt ceiling as a negotiating ploy. here's president trump in 2019 saying to democrats, do not risk the faith and credit in america to try to get something you want. >> when you start talking about using the debt ceiling as a wedge to negotiate or things that they want, they have told me very strongly they would never use that. that's, that's a very, very sacred thing in our country. debt ceiling. we can never play with it. >> now the shoe's on the other foot. the president is a democrat, house is republican and biden is saying let's raise it to avoid default, but some on the other side see an opportunity to extract promises on things like a balanced budget, lower taxes and spending. i spoke with the director of
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economic policy at washington's bipartisan policy center. >> yes. that we should have a balanced budget. i mean many people think so. that's a legitimate argument, but let's not discuss that while we're trying to discuss whether to put the pin back in the grenade. >> the challenge is that there are few leverage points where congress is forced to reckon with the unsustainable fiscal policy we have right now as a country so the debt limit often gets used as that focal point. it's not a good place to be in, but explains why some policymakers feel the need to use it in that way. we need policymakers on both sides come to the table, we have time, and discuss our spending and revenue level and how we should move forward in some compromised fashion. we have not gotten that over the past decade and it's yet to be seen whether we'll get it over the coming months.
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>> now, one common question. how is this different than a government shutdown? we go through those every once in a while. got to close the national parks for a few days. when we don't pass a budget, the government loses the authority to distribute money. the money's still there. it's one of the reasons that air traffic control keeps running. when we don't pass a debt ceiling, the government loses the ability to borrow money and pay for its obligations like the electric bill at the air traffic control tower. back to you. >> thank you, scott. police are unveiling details about a chase in san francisco while you were sleeping. ahead, we're going to talk about the dramatic way this came to an end and what police are revealing about the person behind the wheel. plus, want to travel to italy but your bank account doesn't stretch across the atlantic? where in the bay area you can get a close view of one of michelanlo'sge
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new overnight, a police chase ends with a car plunging off a hillside in san francisco. this is the video of the aftermath. that car ended up on its side on top of another vehicle. this was on gardendale drive. police say it started around midnight when they tried to pull over the driver for possibly being intoxicated. the driver rammed his car into a police cruiser and took off. the driver was taken to the hospital. his condition is not known, but police do say that he is already wanted for dui and car was reported stolen. now to a live look at south lake tahoe this midday. nope. not whiteout conditions. there's the accurate look right now. yeah, it is beautiful. the snow out there on the
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roadways. you should pack your chains in parts of lake ta toe, highway 80 up to tahoe. if you're headed there this weekend, lucky you. you're going to need more than a jacket though. right now, it's about 28 degrees. slightly warmer in capitola and look at this new video. a humming bird there. just kind of chilling along the coastline there. i think that's a good sign of good luck. dry weather certainly, too. >> once all the rain washed out, the beauty of the bay area and all around. >> the hillsides are so green. >> it is so nice. then we'll start to get the yellow flowers, or mustard flowers. >> then some poppies. >> don't pick them. as we get a look at san francisco, you need to make sure you're wearing layers. we're going to be watching san francisco as well as much of the coastline over the next couple
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of days. we're at high tide right now. it's starting to go down, but this is happening as the sun and moon are aligned in a way that gives a greater gravitational pull to the waves and brings them farther inland and so we are going to see coastal flooding. those usual spots that flood during king tides. we'll have to deal with that around parts of the coastline as well as the inner bay. these are the areas that are going to be under the flood advisory. so once again, we've made it past high tide right now. the next one tomorrow will be happening at 9:22 in the morning. on saturday, it gets slightly higher. that will be the peak. also pretty high on sunday and that's happening late morning about 11:00. so watching out for that as we are finally getting a nice day of all sunshine after some late evening rain yesterday. most of us got about a tenth, a quarter of an inch, but we're also getting a chance to enjoy the sun, but very chilly temperatures and it's still breezy. the wind coming out of the
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northwest at 12 miles per hour. so that northerly wind behind that front that moved through will keep those temperatures down for this afternoon. as we take a look at our highs, this is much cooler than what's normal. even for this time of year. 53 degrees in cupertino and for the east bay, we may see only 50 degrees in livermore and 53 in oakland. also 53 in redwood city and 55 also in navato and clear lake. tonight, they've issued freeze warnings. probably got that alert on your phone. we're going to have to watch out for more freezing temperatures as well as some of that moisture left on the ground. that may cause issues, but throughout the next few days, we'll see more weather just like that. there will be a couple more cold fronts moving through, but for the most part, all of the rain dries up before it gets here so we're just looking at sunshine and high temperatures staying in
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the 50s over the next few days. we'll really feel the cold air in the morning with temperatures dipping into the 30s and for san francisco, once again, king tides continue through monday and our highs reach into the mid-50s throughout the weekend. now let's turn to our climate in crisis. nasa and noaa just released their analysis and found the earth's average surface temperature in 2022 tied with 2015 as the fifth warmest on record. that continues the planet's long-term warming trend and global temperatures in 2022 were 1.6 degrees fahrenheit above average. the past nine years have been the warmest years since modern recordkeeping began in 1880. this means the earth in 2022 was about 2 degrees fahrenheit warmer than the late 19th century average. now 2 degrees may sound small to us, but it is throwing our weather systems around the world off balance. i talked to a nasa climate scientist about the findings.
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>> when the atmosphere is warmer, it can actually hold more moisture and that means when it rains, you can get more massive amounts of rainfall. so flooding is much more likely to happen in a warming climate just simply because the atmosphere holds more moisture than the climate than a normal, regular climate. >> we've seen what our future could look like with juicier atmospheric rivers and she says we can reduce or carbon emissions and if we do so quickly, there is hope the earth, we'll keep it from warming much faster. so you can see what you can do to make that happen on our climate in crisis page on our website. >> so interesting. >> it's hard to replicate the awe and wonder one feels when they step into the sistine chapel in rome. >> there's a new exhibit in the south bay that's going to try to give it a try. bob gives us a preview from all places, the oak ridge mall in santa fe.
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>> you want to see the sistine chapel but don't want to deal with the hassle or expense of flying to rome then this is your next step option. it's called michael anglo's sistine chapel. they've put together photographs that are on the ceiling of the sistine chapel. thank you. nice to see you. and one thing you were pointing out when you go to the sistine chapel, of course, i don't want to diminish that experience, you're going to see things here that you won't see there. >> here, you're near inches. you can stick your nose next to it if you really wanted to. you'll see brush strokes from the paint. cracks from the stone. bits of the stone popping out in the images and i just feel that allows to give details off of a context of what you're seeing more than you could when you're rushed through. >> that is true. when i was there years ago, you are rushed through. you're not allowed to take
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pictures. people aren't aware because there's licensing issues and i think i probably had ten minutes. again, don't want to take away from that experience, but you are looking up, craning your neck up at 60 feet so you're just not going to see the details and of course this being the most famous panel, the creation of adam. and you pointed something out that i didn't realize when i saw it in person. >> yeah, it's one of the most interesting things. he was obsessed with bodies and anatomy. he used to go to the morgue. adam who's got a little bit of a superman cape going on but then you realize it's a brain cut in half. and i just think that adds another little element to the whole idea of the creation of man and start of human intelligence. >> great. exhibit's on display through april 30th? >> correct. >> nbc bay area news. >> that would be a good time. thanks, bob.
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spacex successfully launching another falcon 9 rocket carrying more than 50 star link satellites. they use the satellites to deliver high speed internet access to the globe but there are more than 3,000 such satellites currently in orbit. today's launch follows another yesterday carrying satellites with gps capabilities. watching the 49ers is going to come at a hefty price tag for fans. ahead, the large amount you'll have to pay if you're thinking about attending this weekend's game as the niners get ready to take on the cowboy s.
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to test for covid-19. binaxnow
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so the hottest team in nfl continues their quest for the lombardy trophy. >> the 49ers are riding an 11-game winning streak but the cowboys are fresh off a win against the buccaneers.
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the team was back in action in santa clara yesterday. the second straight year they're meeting in the playoffs. you may recall the 49ers beat the cowboys last year during a wild card game in dallas. many fans are rooting for the same outcome, but this time at home. and it will cost you if you want to go to the game in sunday. stub hub says it will cost $3400 for field level seats. 540 if you want to sit in the upper deck. it will cost you 525 just to stand up and watch it. these are the most expensive tickets in the nfl playoffs so far. if you're watching from home, tune in to nbc sports bay area for exclusive pregame and postgame access. coverage starts at 2:30 immediately following the game and don't forget, the divisional playoff weekend kicks off here on nbc bay area with the chiefs hosting jacksonville vague wires. kickoff for that game is 1:30 p.m. on saturday. football night in america
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coverage starts at 3:00. and we want to tell you about another earthquake. this one near holster. >> it was a 3.3. we had a 3.5 this morning, so all that happening on the san andres fault. we may have people in the south county feeling that. so just wanted to give you the heads up. we have that information on our website. and also check out our forecast now that the weather is quieting down, we'll start to see more cold temperatures and sunshine and it's going to feel very much like winter over these next few days. even freezing in some of our inland valleys. >> and before we go, a live look at moffat field where president biden is expected to land at 12:10 this afternoon. we are continuing to monitor his visit to the coast following the damage left behind after this powerful storm. we'll bring you coverage throughout the president's visit. we'll also be streaming on roku, amazon fire tv, apple tv, and
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online at >> free app is great. it will send you alerts. >> there you go. >> thanks for joining us. next newscast at 4:30 tonight. >> you can always get the latest information all day long on our website. have a great day.
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(vo) at wells fargo, direct deposits come up to two days early with early pay day. what if everything came two days early? (hero) have a good weekend! alright now... have a good weekend. (co-worker) but it's wednesday... (co-worker 2) see you monday! (co-worker 3) am i missing something? (hero) it's the weekend baby... see you later. (vo) like getting things two days early? when it comes to payday, you can with wells fargo. (co-worker 4) what are you doing this weekend?
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♪♪ right now on "california live," want the chase without the buzz, we're keeping dry january going, with mocktails so good you won't miss the booze. and looking for more ways to eat better in the new year? we have a list of california-based companies who can help you keep your healthy goals on track. plus, it is considered the national dish of jordan. we're going to show you how to make this delicious middle eastern dish called mensa. and letter kenny star dillon playfair is here dishing about


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